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Smoke The Podcast Website Launched - Ocean Peace DesignOcean Peace Design

Smoke The Podcast Website Launched

We designed a website for SMOKE ( an audio book written and read by Hank Shaeffer. Although Hank lives in L.A., the story takes place in Redwood County, a fictitious locale invented by the author but modeled after Humboldt County. We made a lot of illustrations for the website that show the locations and the stuff the characters talk about. These painting-like illustrations are created from real photographs, and the idea was to depict realistic locales and items in this fictitious story. Go to the website and check them out!

The website is made responsive (meaning it changes how it looks depending on your device), which all of the websites we design today are, and tested with 20+ emulated devices such as iPhones, Samsung Galaxies, Amazon Kindle Fire, Google Nexus’ and so on.

As part of being a ‘podcast’ website, it is synced with such podcast syndicators like iTunes and Stitcher Radio. When the author posts a new episode on the website, it will be released on these platforms automatically. (Feel free to contact us if you are interested in hosting your own podcast station on iTunes!)

Website URL:

Type of Website: Podcast

Website Size: 15~20 pages, Content Management System

Geotargeted: Humboldt County, Worldwide







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